


Petra Suntinger and Roland Gützlaff collaborated on the abstract painting “Apollo” in the East Side Gallery. It shows a transparent globe at the centre of a geometric composition representing the elements water, fire, and earth.

The enigmatic painting “Apollo” by Petra Suntinger and Roland Gützlaff shows a figure with an outstretched arm merging into a large, transparent globe. In the globe there is a dark pool of water. A watery surface runs diagonally across the background. On one side of the picture, beams from a rising or setting sun shoot upwards like flames. The title seems to refer to the Greek god of prophecy, the sun and light, and healing.

Suntinger and Gützlaff collaborated on the painting “Apollo” in the East Side Gallery. No more is known about either artist. In 2009 Suntinger repainted the work without Gützlaff for the Gallery’s restoration, adding a black border with two figures and the word Amycal.

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