


Rosemarie Schinzler lives in Freiburg where she works as a freelance artist and art therapist. She painted the works “Wachsen lassen” (Let it grow) and “Alles offen” (Everything open) in the East Side Gallery. They stand for the sense of departure into the unknown around 1990.

For her 1990 work “Wachsen Lassen” (Let it grow), Rosemarie Schinzler attached a concrete holder to the Wall in which she planted a sapling from her garden. To the left and right of the sapling, she painted words such as “Macht-Ohnmacht” (power-powerlessness) and “Kraft-Bewegung” (strength-movement). Below, the words “bitte gießen” (please water) appeal to the viewer to conserve and cultivate life.

Rosemarie Schinzler was born in Tübingen in 1949 and has lived in Freiburg in Southwest Germany since 1971. She has worked as a freelance artist and art therapist since 1996.

Rosemarie Schinzler: „Alles offen“

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