„I still think that it‘s a valuabe asset that we humans have to create critical thinking and a way of critically look on the environment and ourselves of course.”
Christos Koutsouras was born in Greece and lives in the United States and Greece. On a visit to Germany before the fall of the Wall, he noticed a sign that read “Einfahrt Tag und Nacht freihalten” (“Keep entry clear at all times”). Finding it thought-provoking, he later named his painting in the East Side Gallery after it. The painting no longer exists.
Christos Koutsouras in the interview
All we know about the artist Christos Koutsouras is that he comes from Greece and divides his time between his home country and the United States. While visiting Germany before the fall of the Wall, he found a sign on a garage that read “Einfahrt Tag und Nacht freihalten” (“Keep entry clear at all times”) and remembered it as an apt title for his painting in the East Side Gallery. Koutsouras did not restore his painting in 2009 and did not consent to have it copied. It no longer exists.
Christos Koutsouras’ painting “Einfahrt Tag und Nacht freihalten” (Keep entry clear at all times) shows three window-like areas of light colour in which the silhouettes of human figures can be seen. The figures on either side of the picture seem to be turning towards each other but are isolated and immobile. They perhaps symbolise the people in East and West Germany, separated by the Berlin Wall. The title and the sign strike a contrast with the walled-in figures while remaining open to interpretation.